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School Websites:

St. Paul Catholic School Website:


Class Reminders:




Special Events:

Today, November 6, 2014, the children attended a Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) parade upstairs. The upper grades created many beautiful altars for relatives/historic people and, they also shared cookies and juice with our little ones. The children love attending all the plays and presentations they are invited to. Moreover, they display such great behavior and respect during these occasions. We should all be very proud of them. Here are a few pictures of their participation in the parade and some wonderful creative altars.

Classwork, Activities and Cooperative Play:

Field Trip(s), Friendships, Families and Group Photos:

Extension Practice Activities: 
Our Study on "Motion" and Shoe-Box Projects/Races. 
Adventures With A Roly Poly- Mason was in charge :-)
Tally Counting Practice: Pair-Share

Fiesta Parade: 

Dr. Carmen Tafolla Day! A Day of an acclaimed author, poet, educator and performance artist. Blessed were we to have her grace our campus with a memorable visit.

An Exerpt from one of Dr. Tafolla's literary readings at St. Paul Catholic School.

Our Wooden Spoon Saint Project: A School Year Long Study Into the Lives of Saints. I had to condense some  of the saints names to format. Also, if you click on a certain picture, it will get bigger and allow you to copy/save.

PreK did an awesome job on their saint projects, here's a video of their oral presentations:

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